Consultative Selling with The Vision Group


Effective Prospecting, Chris's Story is about the Human Connection

What is it the best sales people do naturally, yet is rarely taught to the rest of the team? The lost art of telling stories woven with how your products/services are "used" by your customers may be the primary difference.

Effective Prospecting starts with the search for your targeted potential customers, forming relationships with them, and motivating them to take action.

To begin the relationship and be in a position to motivate them to take action, your prospect must feel connected with the sales person. For your prospect to feel connected, they would have to reveal something about themselves or their company with the sales person.

For your prospect to feel comfortable enough to reveal something about themselves/their organization, the sales person must be prepared to initiate the exchange by revealing something about them first.

For your sales person to know how to reveal something about him/her they must understand the foundation for how to construct and share well thought out ideas. To learn how to share these ideas, your sales person must "hear" others ideas, (learn to purposefully listen with the intent to truly understand).

Before your sales person learns how to share and receive ideas, a sales person would need to understand how your prospects buying decisions are activated.

Customers tell us the power of story is allowing their personnel to connect, inspire and influence, leading to more effective prospecting and faster decision making. They also tell us it is a consultative sales methodology combined with the ability to develop a human connection via the “power of story”, which leads to the best buying experience for their new and existing prospects/customers.

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